Monday, August 18, 2008

Those 7 Habits

Some habits are hard to break but these habits are habits that I'm happy to become compulsive about. The hardest is having confidence. Day to day we see customers as well as ourselves hesitate or avoid a task simply because we don't have the confidence in learning. We tend to think that we should know everything or feel embarrassed to say "I don't know". But times are changing and we must set the example to teaching and learning. We must build confidence with one another and build our customers confidence. Playing is the easy part but again, that takes confidence. If I had $1 for every customer who's been skeptical about even touching the mouse or even the keyboard. For me, the first step to confidence is simply admitting, "I'm learning too."


Macrina said...

BluJ, thanks for this post! Having empathy for and giving support to hesitant users is so important! I used to teach Internet basics to new users and found that they were always eager to learn and just needed a supportive, non-judging environment to take that first step. Thanks for the insight and for providing that understanding to our customers too!

Littletommysmom said...

you're a cat lover too and we both picked the same template...hmmm...

T said...

Hi Jeni!