Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Learn & Play Thoughts

I like to think positive with the program because in this day in age, libraries need to keep up and learn. At first, I was gun-ho, then I got tired of having to make accounts and passwords so I thought that I wasn't even going to bother, but here I am. I made it through because I wanted to see what it was like; the whole program. I still don't like to join everything and I hope the program can establish something in the option direction. I didn't always get to talk it out with staff. Co-workers were doing assigned tasks or wasn't involved in the program. Gahanna is a busy branch so when we talked about it, it was usually while on the desk and for a few seconds. I think the program idea is great! It just needs nurturing. I have no doubt that it'll get better and better and we'll all benefit from it.

Moldi is a little...moldi

This site may be off to something that'll grow but for now, I may just download the books. As for the movies, they're interesting but I'm not even familiar with most, if not all of them. They seem to be older or B movies. I hope it grows into something big.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Hmmm...something I'm just learning more about although I've used it and really have not known I've used it. I explored podcastalley for a bit. I saw 146 casts for "library" which could be interesting. I looked up another subject personal to me and was amazed of how many there were. I can't wait to try this at home.


I loved it for quite some time. It's addicting! I have some many favorites in many different files....don't even get me started....(drool).

Tooling Around

I really think it's a great thing for us, a library, a place of wealth of info to introduce customers to different tools and websites that are useful in more ways than one. I hadn't really looked at the Tooling Around blog until today and seeing what staff AND customers like and use helps put me in a direction as to where to go and what I can suggest to someone. I was very much impressed and hope that we continue this service.

Awards List

As I was looking over the list and visiting some of the sites, I thought to myself that we all could do one of these list. I didn't always agree with the awards list (Picasa should be #1 - I use it at home). But I made a list of the award sites so that I can remember them and write my own review. I enjoy a variety of websites. I love StumbleUpon and sites with reviews.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Going Googly for Google Docs

Not everyone has a computer at home nor do they or can they afford the software that it takes to get what you need done. That's the great thing about google docs. No worries about software and all the updates (I have enough junk on my computer). It's great for those who don't want to spend the money on the software. For businesses, they may want to be careful. There are what ifs. I see it used more by those who don't own a computer or don't own the software moreso than businesses but hey, I'm no expert.


A very interesting concept. After watching the video, I understood how easy and simple in relation to email. Have you ever emailed friends with plans? It can be confusing and a bunch of work! This wiki however, could make communication much easier, simplier, and accurate. Not only do we not need to email but we don't even have to remember what Bob or Jane said when 3 way calling was a big deal. This might be something for each library branch to start or even the system. I'm sure someone has thought of it and has placed it into action.

Monday, November 3, 2008

That Web 2.0 stuff

It's common sense really, if we just take a second and think about it. What it could do for everyone and how powerful knowledge and sharing that knowledge can be. The only thing I think about really is that there could be a time when we won't talk to people face to face but with a screen or through a screen. Think of all the things we do now through computer. We write school papers, we buy cars, we sell cars, we even have "relations". But in all and to the point of libraries and involvement with computers, we're here to get the data or information accessible. You don't have to dial 411 anymore. Question now is: What's next? You won't have to visit a library anymore? Knowledge is power but then what...

Saturday, September 27, 2008


What an interesting website tool! I'm always saving bookmarks until it takes me five minutes to scan through the list. This makes it so easy or keeps it organized. I'm just amazed and can't wait to use it at home.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I'd had an account few years back but never really used it. I still don't use it since I'm so used to the Facebook applications that are similiar and then there's Goodreads. I want to work on one site to do this as it takes up time to post all of your books...why do it on 10 different sites? It's great if you chose to have one site to do your reading inventory.

Online Image Generator

I thought this was fun although my mind wasn't creativily cooperating. There are a lot of generators across the web and within software (some software that comes with your digital camera). I use generators for scrapbooking sometimes.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More about RSS

So I'm starting to learn more about this RSS stuff. There is so much information out there and it can become overwhelming. I view myself as a customer and find myself wanting to ask for help. I'm learning in small steps but they are steps nevertheless and it is exciting.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's Got To Get Better

It's been a hard week so I'm doing my best to play catch up with Learn & Play. In this techno world, it's technology that can allow you to escape from your world even if just for a bit. I can now stand back and see why customers are hell bent to get at a computer. They may be in need to entering another realm.

Technology...love it or hate it

It goes both ways. There are days we love it. Days we hate it. But it's there. Sometimes I find myself wanting to surf the web but I'm not sure what I want to look at. That's when I downloaded Stumbleupon.com. Try it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Really Simple Syndication. I'd heard talk of it and have eyed the little orange icon but...was intimidated by it. Today, a coworker showed me and I was able to lead into CNN. A very, very interesting concept that I plan to play with at home.


I signed up for Flickr months and months ago but neglected using it. However, I did visit just to see what's new and check out some friend's photos. All my pics are on MySpace. Not sure if I'll put some new stuff on but who knows. It's kinda neat.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Those 7 Habits

Some habits are hard to break but these habits are habits that I'm happy to become compulsive about. The hardest is having confidence. Day to day we see customers as well as ourselves hesitate or avoid a task simply because we don't have the confidence in learning. We tend to think that we should know everything or feel embarrassed to say "I don't know". But times are changing and we must set the example to teaching and learning. We must build confidence with one another and build our customers confidence. Playing is the easy part but again, that takes confidence. If I had $1 for every customer who's been skeptical about even touching the mouse or even the keyboard. For me, the first step to confidence is simply admitting, "I'm learning too."

Monday, August 11, 2008


A great place to share our views and expand our minds.........